The Sapphire

“A kiss on the hand feels very, very good – but it’s nothing compared to a necklace set with sapphires!”
– Anita Loos, Hollywood’s first important screenwriter

Blue and vast as the ocean – This image is what you typically associate with this rare gemstone. What many people do not know is that a sapphire does not always have to be blue. Moreover, a ruby and a sapphire are much more similar than you might first assume.Therefore, take a look at its fascinating properties or let us advise you in house before you possibly make a purchase “in the blue”.

The sapphire has always been an object of desire because of its beauty. Together with the diamond, emerald and ruby, it forms the quartet of the most popular jewels in the world. It is also called the “gemstone of heaven” because of its colour, but this term should be used with caution. Just because the gemstone is often associated with the typical skyblue colour, the colouring should not be used as the unique identifying feature.


Sapphires can also occur in other colours, with one exception: a sapphire cannot be red! Red “sapphires” are rubies. What sounds complex at first turns out to be relatively evident on closer inspection. Both the ruby and the sapphire are not minerals in their own right. Both actually belong to the corundum group, making them colour varieties of the rock group.

While the ruby, the “twin brother” of the sapphire, may only delight with its various red colour nuances, the sapphire can confidently be called the “chameleon” among gemstones. From the deep blue of the Caribbean Sea or the delicate pink-orange tones of a lotus blossom to various colours at different viewing angles, this rarity can delight in almost any colour.